Musical Memory Care Workshop with Shannon Wallace, CDP, CDC


March 4


12:30 pm - 01:30 pm

Click to Register: Click to Register

Virtual Brain Health Center

Website: Organizer's Website

Online Event

A combination of music, movement, memory & mindful inspiration…
  • Experience the endless possibilities of emotional, mental, physical, and verbal responses, all in the comfort of your familiar environment, through a combination of music, singing, rhythm, movement/exercise, hand/eye coordination games, problem-solving games, inspiring ideas & reflections, support, & smiles.
  • No matter the physical or mental ability or limitation, or if you’re caring for a loved one or for yourself- this program is for you!
  • Pull up a chair and join us with an open mind ready to engage your brain and body!

FREE virtual event.

The Virtual Brain Health Center is your one-stop-shop for understanding brain health and what you can do today for your personal brain care.

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