BRAIN HEALTH begins before you’re born. LeAnne Stuver with Virtual Brain Health Center supports people–online–toward a brain-healthy lifestyle.
Recommended: AARP, Dr Sanjay Gupta, the Global Council on Brain Health, and dana brain. More resources and links are available on the VBHC website. Plus they offer FREE classes!
LeAnne is a big proponent of ‘reading the label.’ If an ingredient is too hard to pronounce–it’s not an ingredient that is GOOD for your brain.
In addition to nutritious intake are other factors for the physical, electrical, and chemical components of your brain: emotional stress, mental health, body activity, gut condition, varying mind exercises, adequate hydration, social interactions, and more.
LeAnne said that brains LOVE to do something new! Research shows that brains need to do something NEW for at least 20 minutes each day.