Dr. Krystal L. Culler, DBH, MA is a holistic brain health expert with nearly twenty years of experience working with individuals with brain-related diagnoses, their families, providers, and advocacy organizations. She is a Doctor of Behavioral Health with an educational background that spans the behavioral sciences including lifespan psychology, gerontology, and sociology.
She is the Founder of the Virtual Brain Health Center and a Senior Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health with the Global Brain Health Institute, where she was the first scholar from the United States to complete her residency training at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland on dementia prevention and the social determinants of brain health.
Collectively through her educational training and applied experiences, she has received numerous international and national awards for innovation in brain health programs and wellness services with a global impact. Her professional contributions to the field of brain health have been acknowledged through the receipt of multiple personal awards at the local, national, and global levels. She has an unwavering commitment to promoting brain health equity to individuals of all ages and the communities she serves. Her mission: Brain care for all.
Columbiana, OH 44408, USA